6th Sino-Swiss High-Level Dialogue on Water Management took place from the 26th to the 28th of May at Crans-Montana in Switzerland. Delegates from China and Switzerland have joined their forces for the 6th time to try to tackle the global problem of water management. To have some idea why these meetings are so important, Swiss Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard have pointed out the following facts:
“Although we have been actively working towards sustainable water management for decades, we have to do more for our future – not only in Switzerland and in China but globally:
For people are only slowly becoming aware of how serious the situation is:
• Global consumption of water is simply too high:
o 1 cup of coffee 140 litres of water
o 1 kilo of cheese 5000 litres of water
o 1 kilo of beef 16,000 litres of water
• Today over 800 million people in the world still do not have access to clean drinking water, 1.7 (one point seven) billion people live without a regu-lar supply of drinking water, 1 1.8 (one point eight) million children under five die every year due to a lack of hygiene and of clean drinking water.2
So we must all work together at all levels, around the globe.”
Pretty scary, right? This keynote presentation among with other interesting topics covering the challanges on water management was captured and managed by Klewel webcasting: